
2011 Tablet PC Market Review: Apple HTC HP mixed

According to foreign media reports, the mobile market has become all the major electronic equipment manufacturers focus of attention.discount android tablets,In 2011, a large number of products are released, also a record high sales.

Many companies, including HTC, HP, RIM and Sony first entered the market this year, most expect the same access to and the success of Apple's iPad, but with the actual situation is far from expected.discount android tablets,Apple iPad tablet PCs still dominate the market, occupy the first position. The company continues to issue iPad and iPad2, sales steadily increased. Relatively iPad, iPad2 A5 dual-core processor, double the CPU performance, the graphics performance tenfold.

Also added a front and rear camera and video call application FaceTime. iPad2 thickness of 8.8 mm for the 13.8 mm. According to official figures, this year's sales of 32.39 million iPad units.RIM, HTC and Sony's results are general. RIM BlackBerry in May released PlayBook, in the first month sales of 2.5 million units, and since then brought to its knees, even if the price discount does not work. However, RIM has refused to recognize the company will have to give PlayBook.

At the same time, the smart phone market with great success the company produced the HTC Flyer also took a plunge. Sony is also true.discount android tablets,The most serious problem is the Hewlett-Packard, in just seven weeks after the release TouchPad, the company suddenly announced webOS operating system no longer continue to follow up with the system platform and all related equipment. This news caused the TouchPad hot. This hot-selling but to make the best-selling after the iPad TouchPad Tablet PC

